beyond fun

DiscoveRx is a digital game of scientific outreach that addresses the drug discovery and development process, which consists of 7 stages.
Developed with the purpose of providing a fun and educational experience for young teenagers, DiscoveRx is an accessible game that seeks to bring knowledge about the theme in a playful way.
If you are looking for a fun and educational digital game, DiscoveRx is a great option. Download it for free on Google Play and start playing right now!

DiscoveRx in action!

About DiscoveRx

DiscoveRx is a digital game that can be played on mobile phones and was created mainly for young people who are already digital natives. The objective of the game is to reach a broad audience, which is why it can be downloaded for free on Google Play and can be played in four languages: Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish. .
Currently, the game is still in development and three of the seven mini-games are already available to play. The next ones will be released as they are finalized and validated. Each mini-game of DiscoveRx represents one of the seven stages of the process described in the Screener game .
One of the game’s differentials is that it was designed to be inclusive and avoid stereotypes that may cause emotional triggers. To create a playful environment, the game uses a combination of Line Art and Flat Art styles, with highly saturated and vivid colors.

Stage 1

In this first stage, the goal is to discover molecules with some activity on the chosen target to treat a disease. Thousands of chemical substances are tested to make an initial selection (screening).

Stage 2

In this stage, a second selection occurs among the active molecules, verifying which are the most active, at low concentrations, and that do not present toxicity in preliminary tests.

Stage 3

In this third stage, modifications are made to the chemical structure of the prototype(s) to improve its efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic properties (absorption, distribution, and elimination), already in experimental animals. Formulation and large-scale synthesis studies begin.

Stage 4

This fourth stage is mainly dedicated to performing various tests on the safety and toxicity of the optimized prototype in experimental animals, to choose the dose to be used for the first time in humans.

Stage 5

After authorization from the regulatory agency (FDA), the drug candidate is administered to a few healthy volunteers for a first evaluation of safety (and pharmacokinetics) in humans.

Stage 6

In this trial, it is verified whether the new drug candidate is effective in human volunteers who have the target disease, usually in comparison with an existing treatment.


Stage 7

This trial is conducted in different centers, with a large number of patients, for the definitive evaluation of efficacy and safety of the new drug candidate, in comparison with an existing treatment. This stage is essential for registration as a new drug with the regulatory agency.



What did the evaluators say about DiscoveRx?


“Congratulations on the game! It was very fun and promoted high engagement.”

Francislaine Aparecida dos Reis LíveroProfessor, Pharmacology, UNIPAR

“I thought it was very good. I liked the layout, colors, and sounds.”

Cristina Northfleet de AlbuquerqueProfessor, Pharmacy, USP

“I loved the game and it’s getting better and better! It will be a wonderful teaching tool.”

Sanseray da Silveira Cruz MachadoVisiting Professor, Pharmacology, FURG

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